Debka 21-Nov-13
The Iranian team faced the six world powers in Geneva Thursday, Nov. 21, with strict orders not to give ground on the two major sticking points for a first-step deal on their nuclear program:
The heavy water reactor under construction at Arak for plutonium production and Iran’s “right” to uranium enrichment. debkafile: If Tehran wins those two points, any other concessions it may offer are worthless, because Iran will be left in possession of two optional nuclear weaponizing tracks instead of one - plutonium as well as enriched uranium.
November 22, 2013 Briefs
Herzog wins an upset victory as Israel’s Labor party leader
He wrested the leadership from Shelly Yacimovich by a 58.5 percent lead in the Labor party’s primary election held Thursday. This party,which founded the state of Israel under David Ben Gurion, has declined over the years and dropped to 15 seats in the last Knesset election under Yacimovich’s leadership.
Herzog, a 53-year old father of three, who has served as minister in several cabinets, was backed by the Old Guard against the woman they saw as a pushy parvenu who failed to deliver. Herzog is strong on diplomatic policy and likely to push a left-of-center agenda.
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